Civil Tech_bd

Knowledge is the Power

Wednesday, 3 October 2018





1.      Light framed with shear wall
i)                    Plywood walls for structure, 3 stories or less.
ii)                  All other light frame walls
2.      Shear walls
i)                    Concrete
ii)                  Masonry
3.      Light steel framed bearing walls tension only bracing
4.      Braced framed where bracing carried gravity loads
i)                    Steel
ii)                  Concrete
iii)                Heavy timber

B. BUILDING FRAME SYSTEMS   (with bracing or shear wall) 

1. Steel eccentrically braced frames (EBF)
 2. Light framed walls with shear wall
i)                    Plywood walls for structure, 3 stories or less.
ii)                  All other light frame walls
3.  Shear wall
i)                     Concrete
ii)                  Masonry
4. Concentric braced frame (CBF)
i)                    Steel
ii)                  Concrete
iii)                Heavy timber


1.      Special moment resisting frames (SMRF)
i)                    Steel
ii)                  Concrete
2.      Intermediate moment resisting frames (IMRF) Concrete
3.      Ordinary moment resisting frames (OMRF)
i)                    Steel
ii)                  Concrete

      1. Shear walls
i)                    Concrete with steel or concrete SMRF
ii)                  Concrete with steel OMRF
iii)                Concrete with concrete IMRF
iv)                Masonry with steel or concrete SMRF
v)                  Masonry with steel OMRF
vi)                Masonry with concrete IMRF

      2. Steel EBF
i)                    With steel SMRF
ii)                  With steel OMRF

     3.  Concentric braced Frame  (CBF)

i)                    Steel with steel SMRF
ii)                  Steel with steel OMRF
iii)                Concrete with concrete SMRF
iv)                Concrete with concrete IMRF

E. Special Structural Systems
            1.   Special steel concentrically braced frames
S          2. Special reinforced concrete shear walls
            3.   Ordinary reinforced masonry shear walls
            4.  Ordinary reinforced concrete shear walls

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